Alas Purwo National Park is Wild life reserve at the Blambangan Peninsula is also known as “Alas Purwo”. Alas means forest or jungle and purwo is the beginning of everything. The width of Alas Purwo is 42 hectares square which is completed by many kind of wild animals, especially the species of banteng (Bos javanicus), deer, pics, andpeacocks. There are many caves in the forest which are blanketed by many kinds of plantations.
The visitors can meet many Javanese Bull here, especially in the dry season where many bulls are wandering outside the park to get into water sources. Some other endangered animals are also pretected here, they are: Cuon alpinus, Muntiacus muntjak, Cervus timorensis, Presbytis cristata, Pavo muticus, Gallus sp., Olive ridely turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata and Chelonia mydas.
Beside its fauna, Alas Purwo also protectect some endangered flora, such as; Terminalia catappa, Calophyllum inophyllum, Sterculia foetida, Baringtonia asiatica and Manikara kauki.
Potential flora and fauna, vegetation and a variety of different formations existing landscape makes the National Park Alas Purwo like "Hidden Paradise", but the function of the conservation area, TNAP is more suitable for ecotourism or at least as a tourist destination is limited nature.
10 main Destinations in Alas Purwo National Park.
It is the entrance. Less than 1km from the entrance, there are "Pura Agung Salaka Giri", as the ceremony performed Pagerwesi Hindus every 210 days. In this temple there is a site in the form of heritage buildings Majapahit Majapahit.
It is a turtle hatchery and natural spring Childcare turtles (hatchlings) located in the coastal region. Located 5 km from Rowobendo. Landing sites and nesting turtles 4 turtles from six species of sea turtles in Indonesia and 7 species in the world, namely: Turtle fission / Grey, Hawksbill, Leatherback Turtle and Green Turtle. Among the four Turtles, Turtles fission / gray are the dominant type of land and laying Ngagelan Beach. Ngagelan is the center of the collection of turtle eggs Cungur Pancur up with a long coastline of about 18.5 km. Located 5 km from the Post Rowobendo. Or 15 minutes by car from the entrance of the National Park Alas Purwo.
It is one of the natural attractions in the National Park Alas Purwo very potential to be developed for marine tourism, supported by the potential of mangrove forests that are still intact and as breeding areas and nesting areas several water bird species (Stork Tong-tong, Pecuk snakes, Sandpipers, king prawns, Pelikan Sandpipers etc.). There are 26 species of mangroves in the area.
Visitors can also enjoy nautical tourism along the Mangrove Forests through the Gulf Segara Anakan. Located 7 km from Ngagelan or 12 miles of ZIP Rowobendo. Can also be reached by car ± 20 minutes.
Cungur forest block is the extreme western part of the region directly adjacent TNAP Grajagan village. Concentration is an area of some migrant bird species originating from the continent of Australia where the winter migrate to Asia in search of food and mating. There are ± 39 water bird species, some of which are migratory birds. Usually there are migratory birds in September-October - late November. Are within 5 km of Post Bedul / 12 miles of beach Ngagelan. ± 15 minutes by car from the post Bedul.
It is equipped with a grazing field of view of the tower (tower). This tower can be seen from the view of animals that are resting or looking for food. Animals - animals, for example bull, deer, peacock, Boar, Rooster Forest and many other bird species.
The best observation time is at 06:00 to 09:00 and 15:00 to 18:00 pm. Visitors can use a four-wheeled vehicle / two-headed parking area is provided so as not to disturb yag wildlife that is in pasture. Sadengan pasture within ± 2 km from Trianggulasri.
It is a white sandy beach with facilities for visitors TNAP the rest house to stay. From the shoreline sunset panorama can be enjoyed in the afternoon. Located about 3 miles from the entrance of TNAP (Rowodendo).
Located south Trianggulasri ± 3 km / 6 miles from the entrance of TNAP (Rowobendo). Named Pancur because there is a river that flows throughout the year to the sea through the beach to form a Shower
It is a steep-walled beach and have sweet-water streams. In this area there is also a camping ground for visitors inginberkemah. Pancur is the entrance to Plengkung by road and for visitors who will be heading to Plengkung provide special transport. Travel using special transport takes ± 45 minutes or walk for 2 hours along the beach.
8.Sunglon Ombo
Sunglon Ombo is an estuary of the river meeting the sea water. Around either side of the estuary is a Python snake habitat. Moreover, it also is a habitat for several species of birds that can do bird watching activities here. Located between the path of Trianggulasri towards Pancur.
9.Goa Istana
It is one of about 40 caves registered. Goa court often allows people to meditation than Padepokan, Mayangkoro, Mangleng and Kucur. Goa - the cave is quite far, but go into area frequented by people because it has a sacred value. Goa Isatana within 2 km of post Pancur. Not far from the Palace Goa springs are known as the Spring Sunset.
10.Pantai Plengkung (G-Land).
Known as "G-Land" or "The Seven Giant Wave Wonder", this beach is known for reaching 4-6 meters waves with wavelengths up to 2 km after another without a break - break up as much as 7 waves.
The state beach Plengkung the tidal limit reach ± 1 km of coastline on the basis of a flat of dead coral coast caused abrasion. On the western coast of Plengkung about 1.2 km from the coast there are fault lines that make up the sea floor trenches. Besides, there are rock walls within ± 600 meters from the shoreline surrounding the southern part of the National Park Alas Purwo.
The existence of trenches and rock walls resulted in the underwater currents and form a wall of coral that forms large waves with heights between 4-6 meters. Large ocean waves with a length of 1-2 km and multi - layered excellent for surfing sport 6-7 waves often seen in Plengkung especially between the months of June-July. The surfer named respectively - each type of waves with the name: Kong, Money Trees, Launching pad, Speedy, Chicken break, Twenty - twenty, and Tiger track. Height and length and wave layer depends whether or not the West to the sea breeze. Surfing activities carried out between the months of March to October.
This beach is ± 9 km from Pancur post. It can also be reached by a special transport ± 45 minutes / can also be reached by walking for ± 2 hours along the beach.